Finesse Season by Rosè Dior

Finesse Season by Rosè Dior

Author:Rosè Dior [Dior, Rosè]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: B. Love Publications
Published: 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00

[email protected]

Subject: Good morning!

Hello, Saleem. I apologize for taking so long to contact you again, and I hope that this email finds you in good standing. I will be in town next month to visit my great-aunt on the eighteenth and was wondering if you are open to meeting up. It’s totally fine if you don’t, but I would love to chat with you about what we discussed before. I hope you are having a happy Monday. Reach out soon!


I sighed heavily, not knowing if I really wanted to open up that can of worms. When Salena sent me that letter in jail telling me of her identity, I was flabbergasted. Enclosed was an old photo of Tory, Salena, and who I knew was me at a carnival. I couldn’t have been any more than three years old while Salena held me in her arms and I had one of the biggest smiles on my face. One that definitely matched hers to a tee. Tory’s bitch ass was standing on the other side of her, his arm thrown over her shoulder, with a light smirk on his face. Obviously, the nigga was stepping out on Clarissa because they had Shamus together—or did they? Hell, you never knew with my fucked-up ass pops. Never in my life had I felt so betrayed, blindsided, and foolish.

Out of my thirty-one years of existence, I’d always known Clarissa to be my mother. She had never shown me she wasn’t and had always treated me as if I was her son, but for this woman to come out of the blue, saying she was my mother, and the way my father’s eyes ballooned when I mentioned Clarissa not being my mother, I knew it had to hold some type of truth. But did I really want to get to know this woman? Did I really need her in my life? After damn near twenty something years, why was she reaching out to me now?

I clicked on the reply button and typed up a quick message.


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